Pre-employment Screening
Save time and money and hire honest, truly qualified people.
Employers find it difficult to hire honest and truly qualified people. Our pre-employment screening helps you avoid the time and cost associated with recruiting and training employees you shouldn’t have hired in the first place.
Our pre-employment verifications provide insight into an applicant’s work history, financial responsibility, driving records, and previous addresses. We also offer real-time criminal record investigations by going directly to the county, state, and national records.
Employers can and are being held responsible for the willful misconduct of their employees, even if employees’ actions occur outside the scope or place of employment. It is our mission to help our clients be safe and stay safe by selecting the most qualified applicants for the positions being staffed. We know that by fulfilling our mission, long-term relationships will be the final result.
Contact AllCheck today for a custom pre-employment screening package that is right for your company.
Recommended searches for pre-employment screening:
- National Criminal Database
- Criminal Records
- Sex Offender Registry
- DMV Driving Reports
- Employment Verification
- Workers Compensation Search
- Drug Screening
- Education Verification
- E-Verify
- FDA / ORA Debarment List